NURFC - Be The Conductor

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
Client: NURFC | Be The Conductor 
Role: Art Director + Designer

The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, located in Cincinnati, OH, is a museum dedicated to recounting stories from the Underground Railroad era. It helps visitors understand the true meaning of inclusive freedom.

In preparation for their upcoming gala, the center wanted to create a video that extended an invitation, encouraged donations, and attracted support for their cause.

Feat. the voice of John Legend.

The Underground Railroad was the original social justice movement in the United States. Like the courageous conductors who came before them, modern-day freedom conductors carry their flame in the ongoing pursuit of freedom.

The International Freedom Conductor Award recognizes the contributions of contemporary individuals who, by their actions and personal examples, reflect the spirit and courageous acts of conductors of the historic Underground Railroad.

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