Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi NY
Client: Downy

Product: Downy Free & Gentle

Role: Concepting + Production +
       Art Direction 

Over 70% of Americans suffer from sensitive skin, and yet to treat it, they never look at what their skin comes in contact with all day––their clothes. So we did, by zooming in 30 to 40 times closer than the human eye, with no CGI, to show what everyday clothes really look like against the skin. And in the process, give a compelling reason why they need Downy Fabric softener.

We began by using a laser-guided microscope to identify the roughest everyday fabrics.

We spent three days attempting to make everyday fabrics look as cinematic as possible at an extraordinary level of zoom, all without resorting to CGI.

No CGI, no physical models, and three days of camera tests led to scenes that promise to leave the viewer feeling itchy.

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